Ellery Johnson

Ellery Johnson

City Coordinator

Ellery just loves to talk about science and ideas that helps the environment :)

Bonnie Cheng


I have a background in speech pathology and PhD in rehabilitation sciences. I now work for Corrective Services, researching intervention programs for justice-involved people. I enjoy the creativity of communicating complex and convoluted concepts in engaging and easy-to-understand ways.

Charuni Pathmeswaran


I'm a climate science PhD candidate at UNSW. I really enjoy communicating science to a broader audience. When not doing science, I enjoy spending time outdoors, reading, trying out new recipes and playing with my cat Kosmo :)

Natalie Brownless

Natalie Brownless


I'm Natalie, originally from England and now a Sydney-sider. I have a science degree but ended up in marketing. I signed up to volunteer for Pint of Science to do something different and meet new people. Looking forward to being involved!

Kieran English

Kieran English


I recently completed my PhD studying the immune response to pathogens that target the liver. I love science, science communication and science art. Outside of work, I enjoy music, the outdoors and spending time in and around the water.

Juliette Kidston-Lattari

Juliette Kidston-Lattari


I have a background in environmental science and complexity theory and am passionate about science education. I currently work as a learning designer and a key part of my role is helping students become sustainability literate so they can go on to become advocates for the environment. In my spare ti…

Jem Senczyszyn

Jem Senczyszyn


I’m an organic chemistry nerd with a PhD in making molecules with interesting shapes. I teach chemistry at a high school in Sydney and spend my spare time swimming in the ocean, playing waterpolo and brewing my own beer. Looking forward to a good chat about science over a pint soon!